Traveling for the holidays? Many people share their real-time vacation pics on Facebook, but think before you post these. Burglars watch social media outlets to see who is staying home, and who has left their home empty. That shot of you on top of the ski slopes, about to slalom to the lodge? Sure, your friends will love sharing your experience and seeing the beautiful snow scenes, but you are also announcing that you are far, far away from your home in Florida. It could also invalidate your homeowner’s insurance - some insurance companies monitor for oversharing, posting location and dates that you’re away, seeing this as reckless and disregarding the clause that you must take “reasonable care” in securing your home and possessions - yikes! Instead, take a break from social media while you’re away, you can always upload those great shots of you snowboarding the half-pipe after the trip! And Coast Home Watch of St. Augustine will provide peace of mind while you’re gone, monitoring your property and keeping an eye on your home. Call us to discuss how we can be a part of your holiday plans.